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Custom Branded Site

Enhance your online ordering platform through our branding feature and customize your site according to your preferences and brand identity.

Updated over 3 months ago

Snackpass offers you the possibility to customize your online ordering website with amazing tools to adjust your site to your brand identity at no cost!

The first thing you want to configure is the name of your custom website. In order to do this, access your Snackpass dashboard and on the left side menu click on Settings > Front Of House > Brand And Appearance

Once you're in the branding section, scroll down to Username and select the name for your store's custom branded website. This is the name that is going to be used in your URL: For this example, we're going to use the name ''southparkbistro''

After you have saved these changes to your store, we can now move onto how to edit your site.

How Do I Customize My Website?

Once you've decided the custom website name, now we can move on to how to customize your site! By default, Snackpass has a generic template, however, you can customize it to fit your brand's identity more.

You're going to access the following website: For this example, it would be:, since that was the name we chose for our store.

You will be asked to enter your phone number, which should be the one that is registered to your admin in the dashboard:

Once you type in your phone number, you will be sent a verification code, which you will have to type in in the following pop up window:

When the code is verified, you are going to have access to the custom website editor. You will see that there's a black button that reads Add Block. The editor is pretty straight forward and the blocks that you add are interchangeable.

When you click on the Add Block button, you will have different types of blocks options you can choose from to customize your site: Media, text, carousels, content, etc.

Our recommended template is to have an image, followed by a text, followed by an image, but this is completely up to you and how you choose to customize your site.

Let's go through the types of blocks you can use for your website:

  • Media: It lets you upload media images for your site, such as a photo of your store's cover photo, for instance.

  • Text: It will allow you to add a text for your website, for instance, your store's name, a current promotion you want to draw attention to, etc.

  • Links: You will be able to redirect customers to external links through this tool.

  • Social: It will allow you add all of your social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.

  • Content: Where you will be able to upload a profile picture and a cover photo. This is typically put at the top of the website.

  • Carousel: This type of block lets you customize an image carousel to be displayed at the website.

  • Embeded: This block will allow you to embed links on your site, such as a YouTube video, an Instagram reel, etc.

  • FAQ: It will let you create your own Frequently Asked Questions block on the site.

For each one of these types of blocks, you will have several customization tools. Of course, you don't have to make use of every single type of block, this is at your discretion. As a very important note, make sure to click on the black arrow icon every time you edit a block to save the changes

For a more visual representation on how to customize your site, please refer to this video.

Explore this list of custom branded sites that showcase the remarkable possibilities achievable through our innovative branding tool:

Sample Snack Sites

For any inquiries please contact our support team at 8668682146, email them at [email protected] or contact them via live chat on your dashboard or partner app.

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