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Tutorial videos for using the Orders page on the Restaurant Dashboard:

Video tutorials for Orders:

Step by Step Tutorials for Orders Page:

How do I pause orders at my restaurant?

  1. Log into the Snackpass restaurant dashboard at

  2. Use the toolbar on the left to navigate to the “orders” tab. Click on “orders”

  3. Navigate to the red “Pause” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen and use the pop up box to customize the pause time and reason

  4. Important to note: when you pause your store for any amount of time, ALL schedule ahead orders placed for later on that same day will be cancelled. Please keep this in mind when pausing your store.

How do I search for a particular user’s order?

  1. Log into the Snackpass Restaurant Dashboard at

  2. Use the toolbar on the left to navigate to the “orders” tab and click on it

  3. Scroll down until you see the header “order history” and clicl on the search box, indicated by a small magnifying glass icon

  4. Begin to type in the name or phone number of the user who’s order you wish to find

  5. Click on the blue button on the right that says “view” to view the details of the order

How do I change the pick up time for an ongoing order?

  1. Log into the Snackpass Restaurant Dashboard at

  2. Use the toolbar on the left to navigate to the “orders” tab and click on it

  3. Scroll down until you see the header “order history” and look for ongoing orders.

  • The order status will say “received” with a blue dot next to the word

  • There will be no pick up time set

4. Click on the blue button that says “view” on the far right

5. On the right hand side of the screen, you will see the option to select the pick up time. Select the appropriate amount of time and confirm that it is correct. The customer will be notified.

6. Now, you have three options:

  • You can let the timer run out on the originally selected pick up time

  • You can select “finish early” to finish the order early and notify the customer

  • You can select “delay order” and extend the pick up time. The customer will be notified.

How do I upcharge or refund an order?

  1. Log into the Snackpass Restaurant Dashboard at

  2. Navigate to the “orders” tab in the toolbar on the left

  3. Scroll down until you see the header “order history”

  • You can search the customer’s name or phone number to locate the order

  • If it is already in your view, you can simply click on it on the existing list

4. Click on the blue button that says “view”

5. Click on one of the three buttons at the top of the pop up menu. Please note that these options may be PIN protected:

  • Full Refund will allow you to refund the entire order

  • Partial refund will allow you to refund specific items or dollar amounts

  • Upcharge will allow you to upcharge the order

6. Once you have made your selection, fill in the additional information requested, and hit the “confirm” button to finalize this action

How do I refund an order?

  1. Log into the Snackpass Restaurant Dashboard at

  2. Navigate to the “orders” tab in the toolbar on the left

  3. Scroll down until you see the header “order history”

  • You can search the customer’s name or phone number to locate the order

  • If it is already in your view, you can simply click on it on the existing list

4. Click on the blue button that says “view”

5. Click on one of the three buttons at the top of the pop up menu. Please note that these options may be PIN protected:

  • Full Refund will allow you to refund the entire order

  • Partial refund will allow you to refund specific items or dollar amounts

  • Upcharge will allow you to upcharge the order

6. Once you have made your selection, fill in the additional information requested, and hit the “confirm” button to finalize this action

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