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All your reporting needs right on the Restaurant Dashboard

Updated over a week ago


Step by Step Tutorial:
Running a report on the Snackpass restaurant Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the toolbar on the left and click on “Dashboard”

  2. Click on the filter buttons at the top of the screen to edit the way the data is filtered

  • The first filter button will change the time frame of the reports. It has a calendar icon.

  • The second filter button will change the channel of the order - you can select from App, Kiosk, Online Order, or Integration. It has a funnel icon.

  • The third filter button will change the source of the order - options include Snackpass, UberEats, DoorDash, and other Third Party delivery platforms. It has a funnel icon

  • The fourth filter button allows you to select the payment method that the customer used to pay for their order. It has a credit card icon.

Once you have set your filters, the report below will repopulate to show the data with the selected filters applied.

Detailed Reports Instructions:

The Reports tab on the restaurant dashboard gives you crucial insights into your sales, customer, and financial data. Here's what the Reports tab could help you accomplish:

  • View sales summaries over custom time frames (by day, week, and year)

  • View sales and payouts breakdowns over custom time frames.

  • View sales across different channels (in-store, online, delivery integrations) and fulfillment methods

  • View menu item and category performance

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • View payout history

  • View cash register activity history

Let go through them tab by tab!

We understand that Reports contain sensitive sales and customer data that should only be reserved for owners and/or managers. If you would like us to remove access to this tab for certain Dashboard admins on your account, please contact our support team and we can assist you with that. Very soon, if you are a master admin (e.g. owner of the store), you will be able to create and edit admin permissions yourself!

If you are unable to access the reports tab but you are the owner of a store, please reach out to our support team to get access.

How to Use Report Filters:

Filters can be used to refine the data displayed in existing reports. Here is an explanation of how each filter works:

  1. Visit Reports in your restaurant dashboard.

  2. Date: Use the date-selector tool to view a specific timeframe. Click the middle of the calendar icon to see a full calendar view and select a custom range.

  3. Comparison: Compare your selected time period with the previous period, week, month, or year (currently available for Sales reports)

  4. Granularity: Select daily, weekly, or monthly for grouping data in the breakdown tables. For example, if daily is selected, the dates in the time frame chosen will be shown daily like 6/26, 6/27, 6/28, 6/29, 6/30, 7/01, 7/02, 7/03, 7/04, 7/05, 7/06, 7/07, etc. If weekly is selected, the dates in the time frame chosen will be broken out in calendar weeks 6/26-7/02, 7/03-7/10. If monthly is selected the table will aggregate data like 6/26-6/30, 7/01-7/07.

  5. Platform: Choose to see sales from the app, kiosk, register, online ordering, and any third party integrations

    1. tip: link your snackpass online ordering link in your google business listing and social medias to get access to more of your orders in snackpass dashboard!

  6. Channel: Select transactions from additional channels besides Snackpass (third party channels like UberEats or Doordash)

    1. tip: integration upsell

  7. Fulfillment: Filter by pickup, delivery, and dine-in orders

  8. Locations: Click the location-selector tool to view sales from multiple locations (currently available only for the Locations report)

After selection, filters are automatically applied.

Note: To export your reports as a CSV file, click Download in the top-right corner above the breakdown tables.

Note: All graphs can be toggled to show net sales or number of orders on the Y axis.

Available Reports

Report Description

Locations Comparison - Sales

Compare Sales across your locations. The report includes metrics like net sales, orders, average order size, items sold, refunds, and discounts.

Locations Comparison - Menu Items and Categories

Shows item quantity and net sales for each menu item and category across locations.

Sales Summary

A general overview of sales from a given time period. The report includes itemization metrics like net sales, orders, tips, taxes and fees. It also includes sales graphs for by hour, day of week, and time period selected.

Sales Channels

View sales broken out by third party channels.

Menu Categories

An overview of top selling categories and the number of items sold within each category.

Menu Items

Shows details for all items sold including modifier sales and overall net sales. Click an item in your report to see an item dropdown – specific sales info on that item and all its variations.


Access customer data to better understand your customer's preferences, behaviors, and spending habits.


View the performance and analytics for all promotions.


View aggregated employee time card report.

Gift Cards

Provides a real-time overview of all gift cards and their current balances.

Locations Sales

The Locations Report is a game-changer for multi-location owners. This report allows you to access and analyze sales data across all your store locations in a single, convenient place.

Note that, by default, all store locations are selected in the drop-down menu but you can choose to select particular locations you're interested in.

  • View aggregated stats for all selected locations (total net sales, number of orders, number of items, and average order size).

  • Total sales/number of orders graph of that time period with third party sales comparison.

  • Sales by location graph, day of week by location graph, time of day by location.

  • Sale breakdown by location table which shows total net sales, number of orders, number of items, and average order size broken out for all selected locations and the total.

Sales Summary

The Sales Summary provides several tiles of real-time data that offer quick ways to ingest, analyze, and share useful sales-related information.

  • Click the down arrows to select desired filters at the top of the page for the time period, comparison view, granularity, platform, channel, fulfillment:

  • The charts below provide the ability to hover over individual times to get more information for that point in time. Navigate your pointer arrow to one of the dots shown on the chart, and expanded information will pop up:

  • Click the down arrow to change your view. See the data in terms of Net Sales, or Orders


  • Using the filters at the top of the page will change the view of every table, not just the sales summary directly below the filters.

  • Hover over the small blue "information" symbol to get a brief and clear explanation about the specified line item:

Sales Channels Tab:

Click on the "Channels" tab below the "Reports" and "Sales" headers to get information on your third party sales. You can view the number of orders, sales, tips, and taxes with a comparison between Snackpass and your third parties.

(To connect your third party service providers to Snackpass, go to the integrations page on RDB under settings (link to page) . This will allow third party sales to flow through the Kitchen OS device (order hub) and Kitchen Display Screen (KDS). This will also allow you to view reporting on your Snackpass RDB.)

As on the "Sales Reports" page, use the drop downs to select filters for your data. You'll see that in the "Channels" area of RDB, you have the additional option to filter by third parties:

Menus Tab:

Menu: Items -

The "Top Items" graph shows an overview of your top 5 most popular items over the time frame selected. As with other areas of the Reports dashboard, use the drop down filters at the top, and on the graph, to customize the information you see.

The "Item Performance" area shows details for all items sold including modifier sales and overall net sales. Click the arrow next to the item's name, and see a drop down that shows sales info on the modifiers for that item. Scroll to the right to see specific sales info on that item and all its variations.

Note: The number of orders will not match up with the total number of orders because orders that have multiple items will be counted more than once.

Note: The net sales shown for the base item are for the base item ONLY and do not include the net sales of any modifiers purchased along with that base item.

The net sales for modifiers shows just the net sales for that particular modifier. Example: if a modifier costs $1 and it was ordered 7 times, the net sales will show as $7. If a modifier costs $0 and was sold 7 times, the net sales will show as $0.

Menu: Categories -

An overview of top 5 selling categories and breakdown of the number of orders and net sales for each category. Once again, you can use the filters at the top of the page, and within the graph to customize what information is displayed.

Note: Net sales can not be calculated by summing the net sales found in the categories report because register custom amount orders will not be included (since those custom items do not belong in a category).


You can access your customer data directly in the customers report, allowing you to better understand your customer's preferences, behaviors, and spending habits. You can filter the report by specific time period to more easily pin down a customer from a specific transaction and reach out to them via Message on Guestbook, which is found on the customer profile.

This directory provides information on all customer including:

  • Contact information (email address and/or phone number)

  • Rank

  • Total $ spent

  • Lifetime orders

  • First order date

  • Last order date

  • Loyalty points

  • Giftcard balance

  • Order frequency

The default setting on this page is to see a complete directory of all time customers. Customers are ranked by total $ spent at your store. Use the date selector to filter for customers who have ordered within a specific timeframe. You can also search for a particular user who is a customer of your store by name in the "Find Customers" search bar.

Note: Customers are ranked using our Guestbook profiles. Click on the customer's name (in blue) to see customer contact information, order stats including number of orders, total $ spent, order frequency, date of last order, store credit $ amount, number of refunds, and total amount refunded. You'll also see the customer's complete order history and have the ability to view these orders, upcharge or refund them directly from the customer's profile.

Note: Currently you can only message app customers on Guestbook. Coming soon you'll be able to message kiosk, register, and online ordering customers as well.


Here you can view the financial information of all of your store's promotions in one place! Use this to see what types of promotions are the most effective, how many first time users you have attracted to your store, and the average number of items on the orders where each promotion was used.

The filters at the top help you specify the exact data you wish to see.

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