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The Snackpass Orderhub Tablet

Updated this week

The Snackpass Orderhub is the control center for order management, inventory changes, store settings, and various other functions. It can be thought of as the “brain” of the entire Snackpass POS system.

This guide is designed for Snackpass Legacy products. To identify these devices, access your dashboard, navigate to the SETTINGS - DEVICES section, and look for those labeled with the "Legacy" tag. Currently, we support SnackOs, and we recommend upgrading to this version for the best experience. To upgrade, please contact our support team at 866-868-2146. If your device isn't on a Legacy version, please refer to the SnackOs article for guidance on the app or product you're using.


Order Hub

The orderhub is usually on an M10 Lenovo tablet. Some M8 Lenovo tablets may still be in circulation. M10 tablets are charged with USB-C cables, and M8 tablets are charged with micro-USB.

Order Hub

Orderhub Stand

The orderhub is delivered with a tablet stand with adjustable angles to make it easier to see and more ergonomical to use.


Most of the orderhub functionality is within the ''Snackpass POS'' app. The orderhub is usually on multi-app mode, and user can exit the POS app to access other apps like Homebase, Epson TM-Utility, or the Android Settings on the main page.

There are a total of 5 tabs on the bottom of the orderhub: Orders, Catering, Menu, Settings, and Start Rush Hour.

Orders Tab

Accept all incoming orders, delay orders, and mark orders as complete

  • Orders will not display on the Kitchen Display Screen (KDS) or print out from any of the printers until they are accepted.

  • Orders can either be manually accepted or auto-accepted.

    • Manual acceptance: a new order will remain as ''pending'' until an estimated prep time is selected. Afterwards, the order will move to ''in progress'' and a text with the selected prep time estimation will be sent to the customer.

    • Auto acceptance: An auto-accept time range is selected in the settings tab. In order to enable it, click on settings, select auto accept and toggle on that feature. You will be asked to select an estimated default pickup time.

      Alternatively, you can toggle the auto-accept setting on the dashboard by going to the left side menu and clicking on SETTINGS > BACK OF HOUSE > ORDER FLOW and toggle on that option.

      Afterwards, every new order will automatically be moved to the ''in progress'' state and a text with the auto accept time range will be sent to the customer.

  • A text alerting customer that their order has been completed will be automatically sent to the customer once the timer counts down to 0. To avoid this, you can either delay the order on the orderhub, or be generous with either the manually selected or preset auto-accept time and mark the order as completed before the timer counts down.

    • Items can be marked as complete before the time either on the orderhub by selecting the ready for pickup button or delayed as well.

Find and view order details

  • Orders will be displayed on the left, from new orders on top to old orders on the bottom. As a tip, ongoing orders are marked in orange, and finished orders are marked in grey. Orders will refresh at the end of the day.

  • To view complete order history, please view on the STORE > ORDERS tab of the dashboard.

Refund, partially refund, or upcharge orders

  • It is important to note that an order can only be refunded once. This means that if an order has already been partially refunded, it cannot receive a full refund or another partial refund. This means that it's very important to confirm with the customer if that's the only price adjustment they would like to make to the order. For any further adjustments to the order, please contact our customer support team.

  • To fully refund an order, click on the refund / adjust price button on the order. You will be then asked to select a reason for the refund, once you confirm the reason for the refund, the customer will be notified that their order has been refunded.

  • In order for for a partial refund to be given, a base item and/or an add-on item must be selected. You can also mark the item as sold out with the same action.

    However, a partial refund cannot exceed the price of the item or add-on items selected. Ex: you cannot give a $5 partial refund on a $3.50 topping, even if the item total exceeds $5.

  • Upcharge function is only available on Snackpass app orders. If a customer wants to add more items to their order, they must place a new order. To upcharge an order, click on the refund / adjust price button, then select charge customer extra (upcharge) and enter the amount you will be charging them

    If your store frequently experiences post-sale order adjustments, we recommend using our Pay Later feature on the Register Kiosk. For more info, please see the register article.

Manually reprint orders

  • To manually reprint a receipt for the whole order: press the orange print icon on the very bottom of the order details.

  • When you click on the orange printer icon, it will ask you if you want to send the reprinted order to a specific printer, or to all as well. For example, you may want to print again only the receipt, but not the label.

  • To manually reprint an individual label (ONLY FOR SDP-ENABLED PRINTERS): press the orange print icon on the right of an individual item.

Menu Tab

The menu tab will allow you to have control on the inventory of your items and add ons. You will see three tabs on top: products, add ons and sold out. When you click on products, you will see your menu categories and will be able to mark products as in stock or sold out by using the toggles on the right of each product.

If you decide to mark an item as sold out, once you toggle off the product it will give you three options, time-wise, for it to be sold out for: today, this week or indefinitely

Once you decide how long you're going to have this item sold out for, simply click on confirm and the product will be marked as sold out. If you wish to mark it in stock again, just toggle on the button to the right of the product and it will go green, meaning it's in stock again.

The second tab on top is the add ons tab. This one will let you manage availability of add ons in your store. It works the very same way the products tab work.

And the third one is the sold out tab. This tab will display every single item or add on that you've marked as sold out. Additionally, to its right, you have the search feature so it's easier to find products or add ons you may want to mark as sold out or as in stock.

Settings Tab

Connect And Control Printers Via Bluetooth Or USB.

Printers are encouraged to be connected via WiFi or ethernet for increased stability. We call these types of printer, service direct printers (SDP). However, in the event that you want to connect to printers via USB or Bluetooth, you can do se by clicking on Printer Settings.

Once you click on printer settings, you will be prompted to choose the printer you want to connect to, either the receipt printer or the label printer. However, it is important to mention that only one can be connected at a time, and newer label L100 printers can't be connected through these settings.

When the printer is connected successfully, the status will change to connected, and on the orders tab, you will see a black printer icon at the bottom of each order.

Quick Actions

On your settings tab, you will also see that at the bottom we have a section called quick actions. We will review each one of them next.

  • View Sales.
    This button will allow you access your dashboard to view your sales as you would in any other device. Simply sign in with your admin information.

  • View Tips.
    This button will display all of the tips that were received during your work day.

  • Get Stickers.
    This button will show you where to purchase our Snackpass stickers.

  • Auto Accept.
    As previously explained in the orders tab, this button allows you to enable auto accepting of your orders.

  • Pause Orders.
    This button allows you pause your ordering. Once this is enabled, customers won't be able to order at your store until it orders are resumed.

  • Test WiFi Speed.
    This button conducts a speed test of your WiFi. This is especially helpful for our support team representatives when troubleshooting.

  • Restart App.
    This button allows you to restart the app. It proves to be helpful when you're experiencing lagging, or are having a hard time performing actions on the app.

  • WiFi Settings.
    This button will open up the WiFi settings for the orderhub device in case you need to change networks.

  • Open Cash Drawer.
    If you do accept cash, and have a cash drawer connected to your printer, this button will allow you to perform several actions for the cash drawer: withdrawal, deposit, open and audit. All of these actions are recorded on your cash reports. You can find this report by opening your dashboard and going to FINANCIALS > CASH.

    If you want to learn more about cash acceptance, please check out this article.

Start Rush Hour Tab

  • Rush hour is a notice that appears online and on the app to customers about an increased wait time. It does NOT actually affect order prep time. It is simply a PSA that warns customers that the store is extremely busy and that they should consider the potential wait before they decide to place their order.

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