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Updated over a week ago


In order to view this area of the dashboard, you need financial permissions attached to the account you use to log in to the RDB. If you are the store owner, you control which of your staff has access to this information.


In the Essentials tab, you can view a full overview of your financial status with Snackpass. Use the filters to isolate just the information you'd like to see (dates, sales channels, etc...). Scroll to the right to see all info, including payout information.

Payout history:

See a complete history of your payouts from Snackpass.

The "status" column is especially helpful for tracking when payments should be arriving to your account.


If your store collects cash, you'll be able to see an audit of the cash collected, by which employee, for what reason.

Data Freshness

Data appearing after the Data Refresh time is not represented in our report. A variety of factors may impact the freshness of data, but Snackpass is working hard to ensure that data is available as fast as possible.

Time Zone

Time's are shown in the store's local time zone.

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