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Snackpass Legacy Apps
Updated over 2 months ago

This article provides an overview of our Snackpass Legacy Apps, which are apps that are no longer supported. These legacy systems will not receive new updates, bug fixes, or feature enhancements moving forward.

While you can continue using these apps, we highly recommend upgrading to SnackOs, our current and most up-to-date platform. To explore the possibility of an upgrade, please reach out to our support team.

For more information about SnackOs, please refer to our dedicated SnackOs article.

KDS (Legacy)


The Snackpass Kitchen Display System (KDS) allows your staff to efficiently manage orders at both the item and order levels. Individual items can be marked as "In Progress" or "Complete," and once the entire order is ready, clicking the "Complete" button will notify customers that their order is ready for pickup. New orders are highlighted with blinking tickets and sound alerts, ensuring they capture employees' attention immediately.

Snackpass KDS Order Flow

  1. Customers order via App, Kiosk, Online Ordering, Register.

  2. The store selects pickup time on their POS tablet (i.e. 10 minutes until pickup) if auto accept is not on, or the order goes through with the estimated pickup time you configured on your dashboard if auto accept is on.

  3. Employees work together on orders with KDS. On the image below, you can see the last two items have green checkmarks, this would mean that those items are completed, and you will see how many items are completed at the very top, next to the customer name. In order to mark items as completed employees have to click on the checkmark button twice. Your employees will also have the possibility to simply mark the order as complete with the button at the bottom of the order. It is important to notice that, if your store has multiple KDS devices, every single action performed on either one of the KDS will reflect on the other KDS devices as well.

  4. Employee hits the complete button on KDS. It is NOT necessary for you to individually mark the items as completed for the order to be marked as fully complete, if you click on the complete button at the bottom of the order, the order will be cleared out.

    Note: There is no way to currently recall an order that has been marked as completed. Though you can look at the order in the order history tab explained later in this article.

Why Use KDS Legacy?

Prioritize orders more effectively with a live countdown timer that tracks pick-up time, ensuring timely service. Reduce errors, as studies show that 62% of mistakes in the restaurant industry stem from incorrect orders. Streamline your process by using multiple tablets to manage orders, eliminating the need for paper tickets. Additionally, the system allows you to manage up to six orders simultaneously on a single screen, enhancing efficiency and minimizing confusion.

Multiple Usage Modes

Traditional Mode:

  • Clicking on individual items will mark that item as complete.

    • The yellow check appear first, if tapped a second time, the yellow check will turn green.

    • Long press on the item will revert it to the previous state (green check → yellow check → no check)

  • Colors

    • Green = Completed orders

    • Red = Overdue orders

    • Yellow = Halfway through the estimated order completion time

    • Dark Gray = All orders start in this state.

  • Unpaid orders will show have the unpaid tag on top.

    • For added items → the KDS tile will show the new items with blue highlight and the NEW tag.

    • For changed items → the KDS tile will show an arrow next to the modified items with purple highlight and tag them as CHANGED.

    • For removed items → the KDS tile will cross out the removed items with orange highlight and tag them as VOID.

    • Canceled unpaid orders will be removed from KDS

Boba Mode/Handoff Mode:

  • Go to settings by tapping on the upper left corner button with the three lines to toggle Boba Mode on and off.

  • Boba Mode - Recommended when per item tracking is not necessary. KDS functionality will be limited to notifying guests when order is complete.

    • Once Ready is clicked, the tile will be removed from the KDS.

Item Summary Mode:

  • The notepad icon is the toggle to switch to summary mode.

  • The Summary Mode option allows a cook to see a list of similar items totaled so they can be made all at once. For example, if there are 5 Mango Agua Frescas to be made, with summary mode, the number of cheesecakes will total in one box to prevent having to manually count all tickets.

  • Different modifiers for the same menu item will split the items

Order History

You have the possibility to check your order history as well, for already completed orders:

  • You have to tap on the upper left corner button with the three lines are.

  • Then, click on the ready for pickup button.

  • A history of previous completed orders will display.

SnackTV (Legacy)

The SnackTV utilizes a digital media player that plugs into any TV’s HDMI portal, which enables the TV to act as an Pickup Board, Menu Board or Content Board.


Registering Your SnackTV

To register a SnackTV dongle, please reach out to the support team at 8668682146.

SnackTV Channel Options

After registering a SnackTV to a store, you can select what you would want to display on the TV by selecting a channel on the Dashboard. Channel selection can be constantly changed at your discretion.

Customer Pickup Screen (CPS)


The pickup board displays in-progress and completed orders in two separate sections: completed orders on the top, and in-progress orders on the bottom.

Within each section, orders are ordered from left to right, then top to bottom, in chronological order of order placement timestamp. It is important to know that orders will show in the IN PROGRESS section once they're auto-accepted or manually accepted on the orderhub tablet. They will move to the READY section once they are marked as completed on either the orderhub or the KDS.


  • Customer First Initial: If you enable this, you will be able to have the CPS display only the first initial of the customer's name.

  • Audio On: If this is enabled, your Customer Pickup Screen will have an AI generated voice announce when a customer's order is ready.

  • Font: It allows you to choose a font from a selection of 16 different fonts.

  • Voice: It gives you the chance to select a voice from a preconfigured set of 10 voices, to be the one that announces completed orders.

It is important to mention that the font sizes will automatically adjust depending on the number of tiles and size of the screen you have. This is no longer something you have to manually configure.

Menu Board


The menu board offers you the possibility to display your Snackpass menu in a professional way by adjusting your menu to the size of your TV. This type of board can can show up to 50 items at once, and it works with autoscaling, which means that it automatically adjusts your menu photos to the size of the screen.


  • Layout: Currently we only have the tiles layout, like the one you see in the image above.

  • Pinned Categories: This will allow you to select either one or several categories to be shown and exclude the rest of them.

  • Pinned Products: This configuration works the same way like the above one, except that it pins products, and not entire categories.

  • Font: It allows you to select the font type you want for the menu.

  • Hide Sold Out Products: As its name explains it, it will exclude sold out products to be shown on your TV.

  • Header, Background, and Tile Background Colors: These options will allow you to customize the colors on three sections. If they're not selected, they will default to the theme color in place.

    Content Board


    The content board will allow you to upload either a static image or a video to be displayed on your SnackTV. See image below to get an idea of what you can upload for the content board.


    For this board you can only customize whether you want an image to be uploaded or a video.

Dashboard Configuration For SnackTVs

All of the channel options we saw in the past section are accessible through the Snackpass dashboard. In order to select the channel of your choice, do the following:

  • Access your dashboard with your admin credentials.

  • Go to the left side menu and click on SETTINGS - DEVICES.

  • Once devices is the tab selected, find your SnackTV on the listed devices.

  • Select the SnackTV you want to configure by clicking on the device name for it.

  • When you open it, click on edit.

  • Go to board type and select the one that you want to be set on that TV.

  • All of the customizable options explained in the SnackTV Channel Options section will be displayed depending on the board you choose.

  1. Pickup Board Options

  2. Menu Board Options

  3. Content Board Options

    After you select your board type, make sure to save the changes by clicking on the save button on the bottom right corner of these windows. Once you do that, the SnackTV will restart itself to reflect the changes.

If you have any questions or encounter issues, feel free to reach out to our Snackpass partner support team. You can contact us via live chat in your partner app, by phone at 866-868-2146, or through email at [email protected].

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